Pull-the-strings – Generic Interaction Model for Digital Puppetry
Luis Leite
Multimedia Tools and Applications. Volume 81, issue 1. January 2022. Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s11042-021-11876-y
[Springer Link][PDF][Bibtex]
Conversa com o criador multimédia de Solitária Grifu
Luís Leite (Grifu)
Motus Imago – Mostra de Formas e Marionetas e Coisas em Movimento
7.11.2021 20h00
[Program Page][Facebook][Web Page]
Da Animação Performativa à Produção Cinematográfica
Ferreira, M., Cleto, B., Leite, L.
Avanca. Conferência International Conference Cinema – Art, Technology, Communication | IV Cap. – Cinema Tecnologia | Oct 2021
[PDF] [Conference Page]
O que sabemos nós das Marionetas?
Zurbach, C., Anastácio, A., Amendoeira, A., Leite, L., Rodrigues, P. (21 março 2021) O que sabemos nós das marionetas? Alma d`Arame.
[Video] [Web Page]
As tecnologias e a invenção de futuros
Luís Leite
Leite, L. (2021). As Tecnologias e a Invenção de Futuros. In Carlos Fragateiro (Ed.), Ler o Mundo em Português (nr.3) (pp. 24 – 31)
[PDF] [BibTex][Video] [Intreview Page]
Solitária – Gestural Interface for Puppetry Performance
Luís Leite, Amândio Anastácio
ICLI2020: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Live Interfaces NTNU, Trondheim, Norway | July 2020 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3931802
[PDF] [BibTex][Video] [Journal Page]
Common Spaces: Multi-Modal-Media Ecosystem for Live Performances
Luís Leite, Rui Torres, Luís Aly
Journal MATLIT: Materialities of Literature | Volume 6 Issue 1 | August 2018
[PDF] [BibTex][Video] [Journal Page]
Virtual Marionette: Interaction Model for Digital Puppetry
Luís Leite
PhD Thesis in Digital Media FEUP (UT Austin | Portugal) | Fev. 2018
[PDF] [BibTex][Video]
Mani-Pull-Action: Hand-based Digital Puppetry
Luís Leite and Veronica Orvalho
ACM EICS 17 Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction – EICS | Lisbon, Portugal | Volume 1 Issue 1, Article No. 2 | June 2017
[PDF] [BibTex][Video] [Conference Page][Poster]
Digital Theatrograph: Cinematographic Puppetry
Luís Leite and Marcelo Lafontana
ACM AltMM 16 Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Alternate Realities | Amsterdam, Netherlands | 1th edition | October 2016
[PDF] [BibTex][Video] [Conference Page]
Cinetroscópio – Teatro de Marionetas Cinematográfico
Luís Leite, Marcelo Lafontana
Cadernos do IRI (book) | publisher DAI / ESMAE | ISBN 978-989-98726-4-6 | 1st edition | 2015
Common Spaces – Multimodal Digital Ecosystem for Live Performance (POSTER)
Luís Leite, Rui Torres, Luís Aly
FSIE Conference on Fostering Science & Innovation Ecosystems | 1st edition | May 2015
[Conference Page]
Inversus – The Sensitive Machine
Luís Leite and Verónica Orvalho
IARA ACHI Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions | Lisbon, Portugal | 8th edition | February 2015 [Paper Acceptance Rate: 30%]
[PDF] [BibTex][Video] [Conference Page]
Prometeu: Ilusão em Tempo-real
Luís Leite and Marcelo Redondo
Avanca. Conferência International Conference Cinema – Art, Technology, Communication | 5th edition | July 2014
Prize: Honorable Mention
[PDF][BibTex][Conference Page]
Inter-Acting: Understanding interaction with performance-driven puppets using low-cost optical motion capture device
Luís Leite and Verónica Orvalho
Journal International Journal of Advanced Computer Science | Vol. 3, No. 2 | February 2013
[PDF][BibTex] [News Link]
Shape your Body: Control a Virtual Silhouette Using Body Motion
Luís Leite and Verónica Orvalho
ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems- CHI | Austin, United States | May 2012 [Paper Acceptance Rate: 23%]
[PDF] [BibTex][Video] [Conference Page]
Virtual Marionette
Luís Leite
Proceedings of the ACM 16th International Conference in Interactive User Interface- IUI | Lisbon, Portugal | February 2012 [Paper Acceptance Rate: 23%]
[PDF] [BibTex] [Video] [Conference Page]
Anim-actor: understanding interaction with digital puppetry using low-cost motion capture
Luís Leite and Veronica Orvalho
Proceedings of the International Conf. on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology-ACE, Vol. 8, pp. 488 – 501 | Lisbon, Portugal | November 2011 [Paper Acceptance Rate: 26%]
Prize: Honorable Mention
[PDF] [BibTex]
Marionetas Virtuais – Animação Interactiva em Tempo Real
Luís Leite
Master Thesis in Multimedia Technology at FEUP Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto | 2006 | Porto, Portugal
[PDF] [Video]