Rui Torres, Luis Ali, Luis Grifu performing at Conde Duque in Madrid (Retroescavadora)

Rui Torres, Luis Aly, Luis Grifu performing at Conde Duque in Madrid (Retroescavadora)

Retroescavadora (Rui Torres, Luis Aly, Luis Grifu) performed with Untitled at Conde Duque in Madrid last 19th of April. The Untitled performance is an experimental multimodal multimedia live performance of the POEX arquive where moving image, sound and manipulation are inter-connected in a real-time dialog.

Retroescavadora at Conde Duque (Madrid)

Rui Torres performing at Conde Duque in Madrid (Untitled performance from Retroescavadora – Rui Torres, Luis Aly, Luis Grifu)

Retroescavadora was invited to be a part of a Poetry recital seeking new languages behind the technologies “La palabra en las periferias de la tecnología”. This session gathered Kònic Thtr (España), Retroescavadora (Portugal), Jörg Piringer (Austria) y Bell Dome (Brasil/Alemania).


More information at

Conde Duque Madrid


Untitled Performance

Untitled Performance