mani-PULL-action is a digital hand puppetry interactive environment that provides a rich and expressive way for performance animation.

It is based on the maxim that our hands are a powerful tool for manipulation and we are used to manipulate all kinds of things in a everyday basis.

digital hand puppetry

ManiPULLaction makes use of hand-based interface devices such as the LeapMotion to offer a high degree of freedom of manipulation providing an expressive mean for the creation of animation in real-time that can enhance the storytelling experience.

You can find some previous video experiments such as the DigiMario

[vimeo 110798138 w=580&h=326]


or the Ludivica digital bird puppet

[vimeo 110452298 w=580&h=326]


Or Mr.Gonzaga

[vimeo 101553868 w=580&h=326]

[vimeo 101467576 w=580&h=326]