Hugo was an  interactive television show created by a Danish company called Interactive Television Entertainment (ITE) in 1990. An interactive game show broadcasted all over the world (more then 40 countries) until 2007. Players at home could play with the character by calling the television show and using their telephone keys as controller. Hugo was developed on custom-made ITE hardware based on a Commodore Amiga 3000 with MIDI devices and DTFM digital converter  for control. Later it was ported to a PC-based system using motion capture for live animation. Body movement and face expression of the puppeteer was retargeted to Hugo virtual character. An early digital puppetry system with great success during 17 years in the television live entertainment.




Motion capture system used to control Hugo character





The ITE 4000 a PC-based system

ITE’s Animation Mask System (AMS) A computer, a motion capture system (helmet with sensors), a control panel and a remote computer console.


A MIDI Control panel with a joystick and buttons to manipulate the ONLINE contents.