Virtual Marionette is a research on digital puppetry, an interdisciplinary approach that brings the art of puppetry into the world of digital animation. Inspired in the traditional marionette technology our intention is to study novel interfaces as an interaction platform for creating artistic contents based on computer animated puppets. The overall goal of this thesis is to research and deploy techniques and methods for the manipulation of articulated puppets in real-time with low-cost interfaces to establish an interaction model for digital puppetry.

Real-time animation, digital puppetry research for performance animation

Anin-Actor received Honorable Mention for best Breaking Results at ACE 2011.

Honorable Mention

AnimActor: Understanding Interaction with Digital Puppetry using Low-Cost Motion Capture
Luís Leite and Veronica Orvalho

Anim-Actor Poster for ACE 2011